Allan Loeb

Allan Loeb

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Now Playing: The Switch - Biological Stock
Starring: Jennifer Aniston, Jason Bateman

Kassie tells Wally her plan to have a baby, then asks him for an unexpected favor. In this scene: Kassie (Jennifer Aniston), Wally (Jason Bateman)

The Switch - Biological Stock

The Switch - Biological Stock

Kassie tells Wally her plan to have a baby, then asks him for an unexpected favor. In this scene: Kassie (Jennifer Aniston), Wally (Jason Bateman)

The Switch - Blacked Out

The Switch - Blacked Out

As if a massive hangover isn't enough, Wally also has to be filled in on his wild night from his boss, Leonard. In this scene: Wally (Jason Bateman), Leonard (Jeff Goldblum)

The Switch - Like You Don't Give a Funion

The Switch - Like You Don't Give a Funion

While walking in the park, Wally takes the opportunity to bestow some fatherly advice on Sebastion. In this scene: Wally (Jason Bateman), Sebastian (Thomas Robinson)

The Switch - Misunderstanding

The Switch - Misunderstanding

The truth gets twisted when Wally and Kassie discover their feelings aren't exactly mutual. In this scene: Kassie (Jennifer Aniston), Wally (Jason Bateman), Sebastian (Thomas Robinson)

The Switch - Moving On

The Switch - Moving On

When Kassie reveals that things are getting serious with her new boyfriend, Wally gets surprisingly defensive. In this scene: Kassie (Jennifer Aniston), Wally (Jason Bateman), Sebastian (Thomas Robinson)

The Switch - Official Trailer (HD)

The Switch - Official Trailer (HD)

Kassie decides it's time to have a baby, even if it means doing it with a little help from a sperm donor. Seven years later, her best friend Wally begins to suspect that a switch may have occurred when he meets her charming, but slightly neurotic son, Sebastian. Starring, in alphabetical order: Jason Bateman, Jeff Goldblum, Jennifer Aniston, Juliette Lewis, Todd Louiso