
Jules Winnfield and Vincent Vega are two hitmen out to retrieve a suitcase stolen from their employer, mob boss Marsellus Wallace. Wallace has also asked Vincent to take his wife Mia out a few days later when Wallace himself will be out of town. Butch Coolidge is an aging boxer who is paid by Wallace to lose his next fight. Honey Bunny and Pumpkin are a couple of young lovers and small time thieves who decide they need a change of venue. The lives of these seemingly unrelated people are woven together in a wildly entertaining and exhilarating motion picture adventure that both thrills and amuses.

Pulp Fiction


1995 Golden Globes


  • Best Screenplay


  • Best Film - Drama
  • Best Film - Drama
  • Best Actor - Drama
  • Best Director
  • Best Actress - Supporting Role


1995 Academy Awards


  • Best Screenplay - Original


  • Best Picture
  • Best Actor - Leading Role
  • Best Actor - Supporting Role
  • Best Editing
  • Best Director
  • Best Actor - Supporting Role
  • Best Actress - Supporting Role


1995 Cannes Film Festival


  • Palme d'Or

Featured Clips

Pulp Fiction - A Miracle

Pulp Fiction - A Miracle

Pulp Fiction - Dorks

Pulp Fiction - Dorks

Pulp Fiction - BMF Wallet

Pulp Fiction - BMF Wallet

Pulp Fiction - 20 Great Moments

Pulp Fiction - 20 Great Moments

Pulp Fiction - Taxi Ride

Pulp Fiction - Taxi Ride

Pulp Fiction - Official Trailer (HD)

Pulp Fiction - Official Trailer (HD)

Now Playing: Pulp Fiction - A Miracle
Starring: John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Alexis Arquette

Nearly escaping death, Jules believes it to be divine intervention from the Lord himself. In this scene: Vincent Vega (John Travolta), Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson), Man # 4 (Alexis Arquette)